Top 10 Best Trivia Sites on the Net
Here is a list of of the 10 best trivia sites according to Taco Trivia Fundraising:
1. Fun Trivia - Lots of varieties of trivia questions and great if you are looking to play online.
2. 3 Streets Trivia - These guys have put alot of work in, and have Trivia Questions for every occassion.
3. Answer Blip - Very easy and fun way to find answers to specific questions.
4. Pub Quiz Help - I find this an interesting site, with a few helpful trivia questions and facts.
5. Trivia Champ - Got a helpful list of questions down the left hand side. Simple look to site.
6. Quiz Moz - Can quickly do your own trivia quizzes. Besides the occassional spelling error, it's a good trivia site.
7. - Quite a funky site. Tries hard to make you pay for trivia questions, but otherwise good.
8. Moore Quiz - Good Trivia site - Have to register first though.
9. Bible Quizzes - Good site for Christians looking for a Trivia Site with specific Bible oriented questions.
10. Taco Trivia Fundraising - C'mon, you know this would make the top 10!
Well that's Taco Trivia Fundraising's Top 10 Trivia Sites on the Net. If you think you know a Trivia Site worthy of being on this top 10, comment here. This top 10 Trivia Site list is always up for adapting...
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What are the Seven Seas?
The Seven Seas are:
1. North Pacific Sea
2. South Pacific Sea
3. Indian Sea
4. Artic Sea
5. Antartic Sea
6. North Atlantic
7. South Atlantic
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Tips on How to Raise a Million Dollars
It would be arrogant to say that TacoTrivia Fundraising is anywhere near this million dollar target, but there are things we are learning on the way, that will help us to raise lots of money in the future.
Below are some tips that will help you move along the path towards million dollar fundraisers.
Tip 1 - Are you part of an existing network, if so leverage the influence of this network
If you are part of Scouting, for instance, then there are probably 100 Scouting Groups in a particular geographical area. If all those 100 Scouting groups work together, and run simultaneous fundraisers, you can raise a lot of money and raise a lot of profile. If those hundred Scouting Groups were able to raise $10,000 each, you have a million dollars.
A little simpistic sure, but here are some other tips to think about.
Tip 2 - Learn to network, build connections
If you are part of a business, there may be other businesses in other states. If you are in the right leadership position, you may have authority and ability to connect with other leaders. Network with these people. Send emails. Get to know them. Float ideas with each other. Skype each other. for instance is someone worth networking with. He'll show you how to make money online.
Tip 3 - Share the Vision
If you want to raise a million dollars you need a lot of vision. You need a cause that will have thousands of people supporting. Sending the Soccer team to Jamaica probably won't be a cause thousands will support. Eliminating Ovarian Cancer might though. Once you have the cause, let people catch onto it, especially those in your networks.
Tip 4 - Implement a Project Management Team
Now, to raise anywhere near a million dollars, you will need an influential, dynamic project management team, that will initiate the project/fundraiser and that will see it through to completion. Have CEO's of Businesses, well-known artists, Council leaders, on your project management team. In the first meeting, discuss the aim of the fundraiser or idea, and explore in depth the cause of what you are raising for, and some early thoughts on strategic direction.
Tip 5 - Launch off a large influential strategy
If the RSL have groups in most parts of the country, then have every one of those groups doing a Door-Knocking campaign, for example. With everyone working together, and the large vision being communicated at all times you are well on the way to raise lots of money.
Tip 6 - Leverage the influence of Media in all its forms
Well, it might be a Television campaign, or a large Twitter advertisement, Facebook, MySpace, Local Radio, WebAds, Newspapers, Billboards... There are lots of ways to advertise, promote and market your cause. To raise a million dollars, you probably need a fair bit of existing capital to start.
Feel free to comment and provide some advice to our readers on how to raise a million dollars.
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Did you know...?
1. "To be or not to be" was written by Shakespeare, from the play Hamlet.
2. Chickens live normally between 10-15 years old.
3. Michaelangelo lived to the impressive age of 88.
4. To 'cheese it' means to 'look out'
5. The Ghan is a passenger train which travels from the North of Australia (Darwin), south to Adelaide and back.
More did you know... to come.
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Which sex is better at trivia?
Is it the male sex? Or the female sex?
If a trivia night has a sport round, the male normally wins hands down. There always seems to be questions about Formula One, Holden or Ford, or NBA, or soccer and the like.
Now the female counterpart seems to nail the entertainment round. She's got the questions on Hannah Montana sorted out. She knows the stories of Britney Spears and Madonna, and which artist married which movie director.
So, the question on which sex is better at trivia... Well, maybe they are just as good as each other. Maybe the males and females need to work together, and they'll acheive more. I believe this is called synergy.
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Facts about South Africa - Geography Trivia
1. Which is the most common natural disaster in South Africa? Is it heavy flooding, prolonged droughts or powerful hurricanes?
(Prolonged Droughts)
2. Name the two oceans surrounding the bottom parts of South Africa?
(Indian Ocean & the South Atlantic Ocean)
3. Name atleast two of the countries that touch the border of South Africa.
(Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Swaziland, Lesotho)
4. Air polution in South Africa can cause what?
(Acid rain)
5. Chrissie, is the name of the largest what in South Africa?
(The largest lake)
6. What's the largest city in South Africa, population wise?
7. Are there more blacks or whites in South Africa?
(Blacks - 79.3% of the population)
8. Which is the largest of the three capital cities of South Africa?
(Cape Town)
9. In 2005, 31% of pregnant South African women were found to be infected with what?
10. What is the main religion of South Africa?
There you go. There's some Facts about South Africa.
Follow TACOTrivia on Twitter -
Fundraising Tip - How to paint street numbers
An easy fundraiser. Paint people's street numbers on their curb.
What products do you need?
* Stencil Cutouts for the numbers 0 - 9.
* A square stencil
* White reflective spray paint
* Black spray paint
- Paint the curb with a white square.
- Paint the inside with the appropriate numbers, using the black paint
- Charge $15 a house.
100 houses = $1,500 minus expenses of about $200 = $1,300. Not bad for a days work. Rally together some helpers. This could be a significant fundraiser.
There you go. Another fundraising tip - How to paint street numbers.
Follow TACO Trivia on Twitter. Click here.
Welcome TWITTER Friends
TACO Trivia Fundraising is about providing you with Trivia questions and fundraising tips that interest you and empower you.
This blog has trivia questions, things to buy, fundraising ideas, links, ads, more trivia questions, comments, and loads more.
Welcome to TACO Trivia.
Become a follower of this site. Click to follow at right.
Melbourne Cup Trivia Questions
1. Whats the distance of the Melbourne Cup Race in Kilometres?
(3.2 km)
2. What year has the Melbourne Cup been held since?
3. Which horse holds the Melbourne Cup's fastest time, with 3 min 16.3 seconds?
(Kingston Rule)
4. The current Melbourne Cup Trophy is made up of how many pieces of gold?
5. How many horses raced in the first ever Melbourne Cup?
6. What year did Phar Lap win the Melbourne Cup?
7. Which nationality horse won the 2006 Melbourne Cup?
(Japanese - Delta Blues)
8. What happened to the 1916 Melbourne Cup starting time?
(The race was postponed)
9. Makybe Diva has the most wins for a horse at the Melbourne Cup, being 3. What years did he win?
(2003, 2004, 2005)
10. Bobby Lewis and Harry White both hold the most wins by a jockey in the Melbourne Cup - How many did they both win?
11. What name for a particular meat, was the name of the horse that won the 1999 Melbourne Cup?
(Rogan Josh)
12. Tawrrific won the 1989 Melbourne Cup. Spell the horses name correctly.
Well hope the Melbourne Cup celebrations go well for you. Don't drink too much, you might make a fool of yourself!
Movember - Fundraising Link
Check out: and then click on what part of the world that you may be a part of.
Good marketing can produce good fundraising. This is creative and innovative and also gets the male population interested in fundraising!
Do you participate in Movember? Let us know. Comment below.
Christmas Trivia Questions and Answers
1. Jesus was born in what city?
2. In the late 1800s German-American Thomas Nast is known for drawing and making popular which character?
(Santa Claus)
3. What is the first line of the second verse of Away in a Manger?
(The Cattle are lowing)
4. The first noel, the angels did say, was to __________ poor shepherds?
5. What is the second line of the second verse of Silent Night?
(Shepherds quake at the site
6. On the eleventh day of Christmas, what did my true love bring to me?
(Eleven pipers piping)
7. What is advent sunday? The first, second, third or fourth Sunday before Christmas?
8. Who's well known for singng White Christmas?
(Bing Crosby)
9. What year did Cuba decide to reinstate Christmas because a Pope was coming to town?
10. Which Scientist argued that the date of Christmas Day was chosen to correspond with the winter solstice?
(Sir Isaac Newton)
Hope you have an awesome Christmas! Hope these Trivia Questions and Answers help with the Trivia Fundraiser or Event you might be having. God bless.
Advertising at the Super Bowl Quiz
Well, the SuperBowl cost $2.6 Million to play a 30 second advertisement during the game. If you were in the States and you were watching. Take this quiz to see if you can remember who were the adverts. Was it worth the money?
For more American Sport Trivia Questions, click here.
Harry Potter Trivia Questions and Answers
Here's some Children's Trivia Questions!
Harry Potter Trivia Questions and Answers
1. Harry Potter and Ron Weasley's female counterpart is who? [first name and last name]
(Hermoine Granger)
2. Who killed Harry Potter's parents?
(Lord Voldemort)
3. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone was released in what year?
4. At what age does Harry Potter discover that he is a wizard?
(11 years old)
5. What is Hagrid's first name?
6. What is the name of J.K.Rowling's fourth Harry Potter novel?
(Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire)
7. In Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix, the Ministry appoint who as the High Inquisitor of Hogwarts?
(Delores Umbridge)
8. In 2001 J.K. Rowling produced two books to raise money for which charity?
(Comic Relief)
9. In 1990, what was J.K.Rowling travelling on, when the idea of Harry Potter came into her mind?
(A Crowded Train)
10. How many other Billionaire Authors are alongside J.K.Rowling in terms of income from books?
To make a comment about Harry Potter, comment below. Hope you find these trivia questions useful, interesting and convenient!
Links: J.K.Rowling Site
Trivia Products - Trivia Products for your next fundraiser
At TACO Trivia we have a couple of things:
* TACO Trivia E-Booklet, selling for $4.95. This is a short booklet giving you some ideas on running a Trivia night. Click here.
* We sell badges for $1. (Well it's not for Trivia, but click here if it interests you).
Some other Trivia Products. Check out: They have things to purchase, and a whole heap more questions to consider than TACO Trivia.
At you can get your hands on an answer sheet template and a free poster template, once you have logged in to their system. Worth looking at?
Do YOU have any Trivia Products worth spruiking? Comment here.
Do you have any fundraising links?
I like: . It lets you set up your own fundraising page, and you can keep track of your fundraising goals. You simply get the word out and email all your friends and relatives. Make them donate! has a huge list of fundraising ideas.
Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the list of fundraising options? Hmm... do I have the option for you. We're selling Fundraising Badges. We have a set design of a few badges, which we sell for only $1 each. You then sell them off for $2. Click here.
Tell us your fundraising link.
Kermit the Frog
1. Kermit the frog was first introduced in what year?
2. Kermit the frog was created by who?
(Jim Hensen)
3. What Kermit the frog's song was a hit in the movie, 'The Muppet Movie'?
(The rainbow connection)
4. Kermit was given an honourary doctorate of what on May 19th, 1996?
(Honourary Doctorate of Amphibious Letters)
5. True or Fale: Kermit the Frog has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame?
Do you like Kermit the Frog? Which Jim Hensen puppet is your favourite? Comment below.
Random link: Check out:
Robbie Williams
1. What is Robbie Williams full name?
(Robert Peter Williams)
2. What year was Robbie Williams born?
3. In 2004 Robbie was conducted into what Hall of Fame?
(The UK Music Hall of Fame)
4. What popular band was Robbie Williams a singer and dancer in, early in his career?
(Take That)
5. Robbie William's greatest hits album was released in what year?
For more trivia questions on selected celebrities, click here.
Fundraising Ideas - The Idea? Badges, Badges, Badges

Click here for the Webstore

This fundraising idea is about selling Badges!! Cool looking, small badges that people wear all over their clothes. Young people love them. You buy the badges for $1 each, and sell the badges for $2. Fundraising never looked that easy. Above are some badge designs that we sell here at TACO Trivia Fundraising.
Buy some today. Or email us for a free badge, just to try it out:
Buy the Badges for $1 Each. Sell for $2.
That's a 100% profit.
Click here to go to our Fundraising Webstore.
Sell 500 badges and raise $500 for your school, club, organisation or church group. Fundraising just takes one good idea...
Fundraising Sites - Tips on raising money for your cause
Free fundraising Idea Centre is also full of ideas for your next fundraiser. Check it out here. They promote the idea of having a website made for you for free which sells magazine subscriptions and you receive 40% of the profit. The site claims that you should go for it, because most households have 2-3 magazine subscriptions already. Hmm... not sure about the accuracy of that, but it still could be worth a try.
Another Australian Fundraising Site is What about custom labelled water? I wonder whether this is more of a marketing strategy for companies, or whether this would actually be a viable fundraising strategy.
God bless you on your next fundraising initiative.
Review Trivia Questions - Encountering the New Testament - Chapter 1

The Canon - Collating Biblical Passages - Trivia Questions
Early Church Canon - Questions about the collating of Biblical Passages
1. A hand written copy of the Bible (prior to the Printing Press), is called a what?
2. The earliest documents were written on what starting with 'P'?
3. Documents that record Biblical passages in Capitals are called what?
4. Minuscules display cursive writing that developed primarily in a place called what?
5. Books that were used in Church Worship in the early days, were called what starting with 'L'?
6. Textual evidence suggests that the four Gospels were written in what century?
(First Century)
7. What is the name of the ongoing academic pursuit of the precise wording of original New Testament documents?
(Textual Criticism)
8. The King James Version of the Bible was created in what year?
For a Blog on Christian Mission and Leadership, click here.
General Trivia Questions about the Bible
1. What is the name, starting with 'A' given to the books that didn't make the Protestant Bible but are in Roman Catholic Bibles?
(The Apocrypha)
2. The Torah is also called what starting with 'P'?
(The Pentateuch)
3. How many books in the New Testament are labelled as prophecy?
4. Was Josephus written about in the book of Acts?
(No - we was a Jewish Historian well after the days of the book of Acts)
5. An authoritative collection of documents transformed into the Bible is called what starting with 'C'?
(A Canon)
6. What apocryphal book tells of the torture of seven sons and the murder of their mother?
(2 Maccabees)
7. Jesus said, 'We worship what we do not know, for salvation is from the _____' (John 4:22)
8. According to Athanasius, how many epistles are from the Apostle Paul?
9. Concursus is the combination of divine and 'what' elements to create the Bible?
10. In 2 Timothy 3:16 all scripture is God 'what'?
God inpsired humans to put together the Bible. It is the living Word. It is divinely inspired. It will speak into your life. For a blog on Christian Mission and Leadership click here.
Fundraise for your church. Buy cool looking $1 badges and sell for $2. Click here.
TACO Trivia Webstore
Click here!
Fundraising Online - 5 fundraising sites!
1. Chocolate fundraising - Cadbury -
3. Mars Fundraising - - More chocolate fundraising
4. Fast Fundraising Australia -
5. My Cause - - This gives you a platform to advertise and promote and raise money for a cause of your choice. Good site. Good fundraising page.
For the TACO Trivia Webstore click below:
We are currently selling a Trivia E-Booklet for just $4.95. More items to come.
Fundraising Ideas - The 10 quick ideas
Here's 10 quick ideas, to get you thinking:
1. Sell Chocolates
2. Make a cookbook, and sell it
Have everyone in a community group bring a recipe, and put it in a recipe book!
3. Car Wash
4. Toy Catalogue -
5. Write your own book and publish it!
6. Bike ride from A to B
7. Shaving the head
8. Some extreme feat, e.g. most couples kissing in a public space. Charge an entry fee
9. Delivering Phone Books - Back-breaking, and labour intensive, but other than that its pretty easy, brainless money raising
10. A BBQ fundraiser at the local Hardware Store (e.g. Bunnings, ACE hardware, etc)
Contact Us
If you need to contact TACO Trivia please email Peter:
By Post:
PO Box 2210,
NT, 0830
The Simpsons - Trivia Questions and Answers
1. Who created The Simpsons?
(Matt Groening)
2. What year did The Simpsons debut on TV?
3. What is Danny Elfman's job?
(Theme Music Composer for The Simpsons)
4. Julie Kavner does the voice of which of The Simpsons family?
(Marge Simpson)
5. What is Homer's main job?
(Safety Inspector at Springfield Nuclear Power Plant)
6. What is the name of The Simpson's dog?
(Santa's little helper)
7. In early episodes Bart used to make prank phone calls to which tavern?
(Moe's Tavern)
8. What year was The Simpsons movie released?
The official Simpsons website: Click here
Use the buttons on the right to find more FREE Trivia Questions and Answers on differing topics, including Entertainment, Technology, Science and Nature and MORE!
Tips on How to Run a Successful Fundraising Trivia/Quiz Night
Tip #1 (How to run a Successful Fundraising Trivia Night) - Advertise like crazy
There are many ways to advertise a Trivia Night. Here's a list of some standard and creative ways:
* Facebook - Load up a new event. Put it on your 'wall'. Put it on your status updates
* Twitter - Just twit about it everyday. Put a link on it to a webpage, or your facebook.
* Email - Try emailing the local Council members and the local Council Youth worker, and the Non-For-Profit sector of the community. Ask them to forward the advertisement on. Many of these workers already have mailing list that they forward newsletters on to. Email your local Parliament member.
* Flyers - A4, A5, A3. Put the flyers up at shops, at local schools, letterbox drop the flyers
* School Newsletters. Usually a quick email to the appropriate person works, and if you don't know the right email address, just ring the admin office of the school.
* Local Radio - It is much easier to get a quick advertisement onto local radio. Some radio stations will even interview you, if the cause of the Trivia Night is news worthy.
Tip #2 (How to run a Successful Fundraising Trivia Night) - Have a Cause - Raise the profile of the Cause
If you want to spark interest, and if you wish to raise a lot of money, you need to communicate to people the cause of the trivia night. The stronger people's connection to the cause, or the stronger you can build people's passion for the cause, the greater the night will be. When people open up their heart to what the night is supporting, they generally open up their wallet as well. It can be frustrating to think that people won't just give you lots of money if you tell them 'I'm raising money for...' But if you share a story or two, or real life people or events that have changed things for the better, then people will support the cause more generously.
Tip #3 (How to run a Successful Fundraising Trivia Night) - Don't just rely on entry sales to raise money
Depending on demographics of people within your contact groups really changes how much you would charge people to enter the trivia night. Some groups put on glamorous events and charge $55 a head. Other community groups charge $10 a head and encourage people to book a whole table. To run a successful quiz night, don't just rely on these entry sales. If you have 100 people at your trivia night, and they each have paid $15 to enter, that's $1,500. Think how much disposable income people have in their wallets. Sure, some have nothing, but others are probably willing to let go of another $50 or so if there is a strong enough cause, or reason to do so. Play some fundraising games. Charge for drinks at the bar/counter. Run an auction with donated goods; its amazing how much money people let go of, when they're receiving something or worth, as well as donating to a fundraising cause. Try not to just run games where you are only asking for $1 and $2 coins. Find creative ways to have people donate some more than this.
Tip #4 (How to run a Successful Fundraising Trivia Night) - Good Trivia Questions
Make sure you don't have vague trivia questions that could have more than one answer, e.g. 'What ingredients do you use to make Playdough'? Well, five different people have five different answers and you end up with arguments. Have the appropriate amount of rounds. TACO Trivia Nights tend to have 8 rounds, with 10 questions in each round. Don't let the quiz questions be too hard. Ever sat in the trivia night where the brainy table are getting all the answers, and everyone else don't know ANY of the answers. Have different rounds of questions. For example:
Round 1 - Sport
Round 2 - Entertainment
Round 3 - General Knowledge
Round 4 - Children's Questions
Round 5 - Music
Round 6 - Science
Round 7 - History
Round 8 - Technology
Questions for trivia nights can be found on many websites, including here at TACO Trivia.
Tip #5 (How to run a Successful Fundraising Trivia Night) - Plan well in advance
Ever used Microsoft Project or something similar? You can outline all the expectations for running a trivia night. Start well in advance. Set your trivia night date. Then list all the facets of the trivia night, e.g. advertising, volunteers, finances, running of the night, etc, that need to be completed prior to the event. You could put together a working party, and delegate tasks to each other. Someone could be in charge of advertising, another of collating Trivia Questions, etc.
Well there you have it, TACO Trivia's Top 5 Tips on "How to Run a Successful Fundraising Trivia/Quiz Night".
Hope some of that helps. Feel free to comment, and leave some advice to others.
Michael Jackson - The King of Pop
Michael Jackson - Entertainment Trivia Questions and Answers
1. What is the birth date of Michael Jackson?
(August 29th, 1958)
2. Michael Jackson made his debut in what year?
3. What was Michael Jackson's famous second album called?
4. Michael Jackson's eighth album, called Dangerous, was released in what year?
5. Michael Jackson performed at the SuperBowl one year. What number SuperBowl was it?(27th)
6. Who did Michael Jackson marry in 1994?
(Lisa Marie Presley)
7. What was the name of the 1978 film, starring Michael Jackson as a Scarecrow?
(The Wiz)
More on Michael Jackson at:
American Football Trivia Questions - NFL
1. American Football is played on a field that measures 360 feet by how many feet?
2. How many players are on the Offensive line?
3. The 46 Defense was created by who?
(Buddy Ryan)
4. What year did the NFL begin?
5. What stadium hosted the SuperBowl in 2006?
(Ford Field)
6. Who won the 2004 NFL SuperBowl?
(Tampa Bay Buccaneers)
7. What NFL team has won the SuperBowl six times?
(Pittsburgh Steelers)
For more questions and answers on the NFL, Check out
AFL Trivia Questions and Answers

1. Who was the first VFL club created?
The Salvation Army - History Trivia Questions
1. What year did the Volunteer Army become 'The Salvation Army'?
2. Who was the second General of The Salvation Army?
(Bramwell Booth)
3. Following the opening of the work of The Salvation Army in Nepal in 2009, how many countries does The Salvation Army currently work in?
(118 Countries)
4. The first part of Doctrine Eight of The Salvation Army says that we are justified by 'what' through 'what' in our Lord Jesus Christ...?
(Grace - Faith)
5. What are the colours of the Salvation Army flag?
(Red, Blue, Yellow)
6. Which colour on The Salvation Army flag covers the most area on the flag?
7. In The Salvation Army salute, which finger points upwards?
(Index finger)
8. Thora Hird and Patsy Rowlands stared in which British TV sitcom focused on The Salvation Army?
9. Bramwell Tillsley was elected General via the High Council in what year?
10. The Salvation Army began in Norway in what year?
For a Blog on Salvation Army Mission check out: Army Barmy
Hannah Montana Trivia Questions

Tiger Woods - A Great Golfer
1. What is Tiger Wood's Christian name?
(Eldrick Tont Woods)
2. What year was Tiger Woods the highest paid professional athlete?
3. As of 2008, Tiger Woods has won a total of how many Major Championships?
4. What religion does Tiger Woods follow?
5. Who did Tiger Woods marry on the Carribean in 2004?
(Sandy Lane)
God bless Tiger.
Michael Phelps - A great American swimmer

Michael Jordan - One of NBA's greatest
1. Which team did Michael Jordan play most of his NBA career with?
(Chicago Bulls)
2. What year did he join the NBA?
3. When Michael Jordan returned to NBA in 2001, which team did he join?
(Washington Wizards)
4. Name the six different years in which Michael Jordan won an NBA championship
(1991, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 1998)
5. How many NBA MVP's (Most Valuable Player) did Michael Jordan win?
6. During the playoffs in 1993, what was Michael Jordan doing that became controversial?
Babe Ruth - The greatest Baseball player of all time?
American Sport Trivia Questions - Babe Ruth
1. What year did Babe Ruth begin American Major League Baseball?
2. What is Babe Ruth's real name?
(George Herman Ruth Jnr.)
3. What state was Babe Ruth born in?
4. Babe Ruth died at what age?
5. Name two baseball teams Babe Ruth played for?
(Boston Red Sox, New York Yankees, Boston Braves)
Elijah - A powerful prophet of God
1. What prophets is Elijah well known for destroying?
(the prophets of Baal)
2. Who was Elijah's successor?
3. God spoke with Elijah on what mountain?
(Mt. Sinai)
4. King Ahab married which Canaanite woman?
5. Ahab was the son of which man?
6. What does the King James Version of the Bible call Elijah?
To read a blog on Christian mission - Click here.
Gideon - Weak then Brave
1. Starting with 'M' who were the people that God wanted Gideon's army to attack?
(The Midianites)
2. What number judge did God make Gideon?
3. What valley did the Midianites and the Amalekites join together to fight Gideon?
(The Valley of Jezreel)
4. How many Israelites answered Gideon's initial call to go into battle?
(32,000 Israelites)
5. What musical instrument did the 300 warriors in Gideon's army have to carry with them?
(The Trumpet)
Thanks Gideon for your example. While some of us may feel week, we can trust in God. Click here for a blog on Spirituality.
Moses - The leader of the Jews
1. Moses was born in what country?
2. Who was Moses' brother?
3. Who was Moses' sister?
4. God asked Moses to return to Egypt and speak to who?
5. How many plagues were there in Egypt?
6. Moses died on what mountain?
(Mt. Nebo)
7. Moses was not allowed to lead the Israelites into the promised land. What was the name of the city they were going to enter?
8. Who was Moses' successor?
For the Bible online - Click here
Ford Motor Company - Over 100 years of innovation

1. Who pioneered the Ford Motor Company?
(Henry Ford - pictured at left)
2. What year did the Ford Motor Company begin?
3. What was the name of the model of the first Ford motor vehicle?
(Model A)
4. Henry Ford's personal motto was 'Help the other... what?'
5. Who was Henry Ford's son in whom he handed over the Ford Motor Company in 1919?
For more on the Ford Motor Company - Click here
The Don - Australia's Best Batsman?

War Ravaged Vietnam

1. Vietnam is officially known as what?
(Socialist Republic of Vietnam)
2. What large country lies to the north of Vietnam?
3. The Vietnam War ended in which year?
4. Who won the Vietnam War?
(North Vietnamese)
5. What is the main religion in Vietnam?
IBM - Technology at your hands

Technology Trivia Questions - IBM
1. What does IBM stand for?
(International Business Machines Corporation)
2. What state of the USA, is the IBM headquarters?
(New York)
3. In 2009, who was the CEO of IBM?
(Samuel J. Palmisano)
4. The Tabulating Machince Company became which famous corporation?
Official IBM website: Click here
President Barack Obama

The Wiggles - Aussie Kid's Music Group

Peter Brock - A Racing Legend
1. Peter Brock was most associated with which vechicle company?
2. What Victorian town was Peter Brock born in?
3. What year was Peter Brock's tragic death?
4. Peter Brock began a Philanthropic organisation supporting disadvantage youth. What's the name of the foundation?
(Peter Brock Foundation)
King Henry VIII
History Trivia Questions - King Henry VIII
1. What century was King Henry VIII born?
(15th Century)
2. King Henry VIII broke away from which Church?
(Roman Catholic Church)
3. King Henry VIII's wife Catherine, was known as Catherine of what?
4. Who was King Henry VIII's next heir to the throne?
(his son - Edward VI)
The IPod
1. What year did Apple Computers introduce their music digital player called the IPod?
2. Tony Fadell is the founder of which popular electronic device?
(The IPod)
Disney Movie UP
1. What age is the old man from the 2009 Disney Movie, 'UP'?
2. The 2009 Disney Movie 'UP' is directed by two people. One is Pete Docter, and the other is who?
(Bob Peterson)
TACO Trivia Nights in 2009
* Aus. Southern Territory Training College (Melbourne)
* Palmerston Corps (NTR)
* Altona Corps (MCD)
* Aberfoyle Park (SAD)
Please email Pete with Venue Details and any questions you may have:
But first: Click here for TACO Trivia Resources.
Stay tuned to hear how TACO Trivia Nights are exploding around the World (Aus. Eastern Territory, NZ, USA Central, UK and more)
Time to beef up the TACO Trivia
If you read this, and maybe you're from the Eastern parts of the USA, why not considering running your own TACO Trivia Night? Eat some TACOs, play some Trivia, charge people to come along, and raise much needed funds for Training Colleges overseas.
What are you waiting for? Lock in a date. Run the event. Raise the money. Train A Cadet Overseas. You can do it. God bless you.
For more information about running TACO Trivia Nights, click on "TACO Trivia Resources" at right, or email me at:
TACO Trivia is taking off in 2009
An overview so far this year:
* Around Toronto in Canada, a TACO Trivia night was ran in February.
* The Australia Eastern Territory has jumped on board, and some cadets at their Training College are encouraging Corps in that Territory to run TACO Trivia Nights (Thanks Belinda!)
* Australia Southern Territory will be getting on board once again this year and making sure we lock in plenty of venues around the Territory.
* A Corps in New Zealand are strongly considering running a TACO Trivia Night.
* An article recently popped up about the TACO Trivia concept in a Mission Newsletter in the USA Central Territory (Perspectives Magazine).
* A Corps Officer in the UK is going to help promote the TACO Trivia inititiave in his areas of influence.
TACO Trivia is going global. We are bound to raise lots of financialy support (& prayer) for Salvo Training Colleges that need our support. Lets put food on the table for struggling Cadets. Lets help fund the electrical power to some facilities. Lets curb the waiting lists for new cadets in some Colleges. It's time to Train A Cadet Overseas!!
If this interests you please email:
TACO Trivia! TACO Trivia! What is it?
If you click the 'TACO Resources' button at right, you will find some blogs that give you some help in running a TACO Trivia Night.
In 2009, we are looking at raising well over $25,000 for Training Cadets Overseas. Will you join the TACO Trivia challenge?
Any questions, comment here, or email:
Science and Nature Trivia Questions (8)
1. How many carats in pure gold?
2. A snapper is what kind of creature?
3. The 'farad' which is the measurement of electrical capacitance is named after which English scientist?
(Michael Faraday)
4. A cygnet is the young of which animal?
5. What is the name given to the time taken for half the atoms of a radioactive isotope to decay?
6. The Granth is the holy book of which religion?
7. Which astronomical unit of distance is greater, a parsec or a light year?
8. Dolomite is an ore of which metal?
9. Which part of the body will you find the deltoid muscles?
10. In Morse Code, which letter is represented by dash dash (- -)?
Ever wondered why so much of Science and the environment is so intracate and interconnected? Evolution won't explain it properly. The God of the Universe will; read more here...
TACO Trivia: Free, Printable and Fun Trivia Questions for your Trivia Night! Found here at: TACO Trivia.
Science and Nature Trivia Questions (7)
1. Which bone in the human body is broken most frequently?
(Collar Bone)
2. In which part of the body are the metacarpals?
3. Sinhalese is a language spoken in which country?
(Sri Lanka)
4. Which gas is used in advertising signs, with the symbol Ne?
5. Which area of mathematics uses symbols to represent unknown quantities?
6. What is diluted acectic acid better known as?
7. In medicine, which is the most widespread parasitic infection?
8. Which birds fly in groups called skeins?
9. By what initials is the highly explosive trinitrotoluene better known?
10. Which alloy of iron, chromium and nickel is widely used for making cutlery and kitchen utensils?
(Stainless steel)
Science, nature and the environment. So much to learn and discover. Believe it or not, open up a bible and you will discover much of what God has to say about creation, about nature. After all, he created the heavens and the earth. Read more here...
TACO Trivia: Free, fun and easily printable Trivia Questions for your Trivia Night!
Science and Nature Trivia Questions (6)
1. The aboriginal term meaning, 'no water' is the name of which animal?
2. When an apple fell from a tree, who began to investigate gravity?
(Sir Isaac Newton)
3. Which cheese do we traditionally sprinkle onto spaghetti?
4. In degrees, what is the latitude of the equator?
(zero degrees)
5. Which metal has the symbol Pb?
6. Which country did the Rottweiler originally come from?
7. The laughing jackass is known as what animal?
8. How many tentacles do squid have?
9. What is the name of the large intestine?
10. In fractions is the denominator the lower or upper part of the fraction?
Taco Trivia offers free and easy printable Trivia Questions!
Questions of science, the environment and nature quite often makes me think of things of creation, of God, etc. God sent Jesus into the world to redeem the world, and ultimately make creation a better place. Read more here...
Advertisement files for a TACO Trivia Night

Outline of a Trivia Night
This may give you a rough idea of how the Trivia Night goes. Follow it if you wish:
· 7pm – Entry
· 7:15pm – ROUND 1
· Answers Round 1 – Score Update
· Answers Round 2 - Score Update
· Answers Round 3 - Score Update
· Answers Round 4 - Score Update
· Fundraising Games
· Short Description of ‘What is TACO?’ - Train A Cadet Overseas
· Answers Round 5 - Score Update
· Answers Round 6 - Score Update
· Answers Round 7 - Score Update
· Answers Round 8 – Final Score
· 9:30pm - Finish
I hope this outline helps you run a successful TACO Trivia Night!!
For more TACO Trivia Resources, click on 'TACO Trivia Resources' on the link at right.
Fundraising Games for a TACO Trivia Night
During a TACO Trivia Night, it would be great to do some fundraising games to break up the continuous trivia, and of course to raise more money for cadets overseas. Here are fundraising game ideas:
· Coin Tower - Simply ask each table to make a coin tower, and the table with the highest tower wins a prize. Just let the people know that whatever they put on the coin tower will be a donation!!
· Auction - If you’re able to find some products to auction, then this is a fun addition to any night. Auction off wrapped up presents, in which the gift is unknown to the bidders.
· Coin toss - Place a prize on the ground. Draw a line a few metres away, and have people throw coins at the prize. The closest coin to the prize, wins the prize. You obviously donate all the coins tossed! (Is this gambling? You decide!)
· Love offering - Feeling like you have a generous crowd that just wants to give? First of all, congratulations. You may like to communicate the cause of the TACO Trivia night (to Train A Cadet Overseas), and then take up an offering. Simple.
· Team Rivalry - Each table pays $5 for their team to play. Have one person from each table come forward and do any of the following:
§ Eating contest, e.g. TACO’s, Breakfast Cereals, Ice-cream
§ Sculling a Can of drink
§ Completing a small puzzle
§ Egg n’ spoon race
§ JUST MAKE SOMETHING UP and make it fun!!
God bless you as you have fun doing some of these fundraising games. Check out more TACO Trivia Resources, by clicking 'TACO Trivia Resources' on the right.
Volunteers that are needed for a TACO Trivia Night
To help a TACO Trivia night run smoothly you will need some volunteers. You will need the following people:
· A small advertising team – Some people who are keen to help promote/advertise the trivia night would be great!
· A small set-up team on the night – to set up tables seating eight-ten people each, and other pre-event set-up needed
· Compere – Reads trivia questions, gives answers, welcomes people from up front of stage etc.
· Entry sales – Someone to collect entry fee at start of night
· 2 cooks – If cooking TACO’s, a couple of people cooking/preparing/serving Taco’s is helpful
· (If you advertise BYO food and drinks, there is no need to sell drinks or food, as people will generally bring plenty themselves)
· A Score Tallier! This could be the same person as the one doing the entry sales…
God bless you on your TACO Trivia Night. If you get people excited, they will volunteer!
Click on 'TACO Triva Resources' on the right for more TACO Trivia Information.
How to Cook Tacos
A Taco Trivia Night works well with Tacos! Here's a simple recipe on how to cook Tacos:
The Ingredients:
You will only need to cater for 2 Tacos per person on a TACO Trivia Night (anymore than this is too much, from past experience) and these are the ingredients and amounts you will need per 50 people:
· Taco Kits (enough for 100 tacos) OR
· Taco shells (x 100), Taco Seasoning (8 packs) and Salsa (6 jars)
· Lettuce (x 2)
· Cheese (3kg - shredded)
· Mince (7kg)
· Onions (5 onions)
· Garlic (2 Tablespoons)
· Oil (roughly 4 Tablespoons)
· Canned Tomatoes (One large can)
· Sour Cream (one large tub)
· Packet of Serviettes and/or paper plates
Firstly the TACO Mince:
* Put some oil in a pot
* Sautee chopped onions and garlic in pot
* Add mince and cook til brown
* Add TACO seasoning and Canned Tomatoes
* Boil til at the right consistency
Preparing TACO’s:
Place the following in separate bowls:
* Chopped lettuce
* Salsa
* Sour Cream
* Cheese
* Cooked TACO mince
Heat the TACO Shells in the oven for a short period of time. Serve warm TACO Shells with the ingredients of the bowls already prepared. Too Easy!
Now you know how to cook Tacos. Leave any comments below with any ideas to help other's who are cooking Tacos.
How to Promote a Trivia Night
1. Promote your Trivia Night by Building Networks with community groups, not-for-profits, Council, Rotary Club, Lions Club, RSL, Businesses:
(a) visit the same cafe every time you have coffee
(b) Buy from the same electrical store
(c) Get to know the Mayor, the Council members, etc.
(d) Build relationships/networks with local Schools/Universities, etc.
2. Make catchy fliers for advertising. Promote your Trivia Night everywhere!
(a) Letterboxes
(b) Milkbars
(c) Noticeboards @ Shopping Centres
(d) Businesses, e.g. the Hair Dressing Salon
(e) Community Groups - hand fliers out at Rotary, or birthdays, or playgroups, etc.
3. Promote the Trivia Night Using the Internet
(a) Blog about it*
(b) Email it out
(c) Get others Blogging it
(d) What about Google AdSense?
(e) Websites
4. Promote your Trivia Night using other forms of Communication
(a) Word of Mouth - Always a cheap, easy way
(b) SMS everyone!
(c) Have it announced on Radio - email, write, phone local Radio Stations
(d) Huge Banner outside your organisation, facing the traffic
(e) Newspaper Ads - Pay $200 for example, for a small ad, or the community sections of the Paper - even the classifieds might work
(f) Phone people - more expensive, but they might promote the Trivia Night to others, who knows?
Any other thoughts? Hope it all goes well!
*For a Blog about things of faith and community development, check out Transforming Mission.
Entertainment Trivia Questions (7)
1. Which band introduced their first song called 'Surfin' in 1961?
(The Beach Boys)
2. Onyx is a wedding gift traditionally given at the 5th, 6th or 7th anniversary?
3. Which rock group went through the death of their drummer, John Bonham?
(Led Zeppelin)
4. Who's the first female singer to enter into America's Rock and Roll Hall of Fame?
(Aretha Franklin)
5. Bryan Adams song, 'Everything I do' is the theme song for which movie?
(Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves)
6. Which entertainer once quipped, 'I was born at the age of twelve on an MGM lot'?
(Judy Garland)
7. Which male film star played a female in all his films?
8. How many dice used in Backgammon?
9. Damita Jo is the middle name of which pop singer?
(Janet Jackson)
10. Who famously sang Happy Birthday to President Kennedy in 1962?
(Marolyn Munroe)
There's more to life than glimmer and glammer. There's more to life than the hip-pocket. Check out more here.
Entertainment Trivia Questions (6)
1. Who wrote Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?
(Roald Dahl)
2. Who's the lead singer of Culture Club?
(Boy George)
3. Bruce Wayne is known as who?
4. Who had a hit song with 'Shake, Rattle and Roll'?
(Billy Haley and his Comets)
5. Which child star won a special Academy Award back in 1934?
(Shirley Temple)
6. How many strings on a Ukulele?
7. What music duo were originally called 'Tom and Jerry'?
(Simon and Garfunkel)
8. Who plays 'Donkey' in Shrek?
(Eddie Murphy)
9. Who were the twins in the Bee Gees?
(Maurice and Robin)
10. Which movie featuring Robin Williams and Matt Damon has a therapist helping out a troubled young man?
(Good Will Hunting)
Dan Brown gives us entertainment in 'The Divinci Code', but there was a book written which does more than just entertain. Check out more at Transforming Mission.
Entertainment Trivia Questions (5)
1. Who preceded Arnold Schwarzenegger as Governor of California?
(Gray Davis)
2. Who won an Academy Award for best actor in 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest'?
(Jack Nicholson)
3. Who is well known for his albums 'Bad' and 'Dangerous'?
(Michael Jackson)
4. Which chart topper from Don McLean concerns the death of Buddy Holly?
(American Pie)
5. Who played Rhythm guitar in The Beatles?
(Paul McCartney)
6. Who wrote the ragtime hits 'The Entertainer' and 'Maple Leaf Rag'?
(Scott Joplin)
7. Beverly Hills is a suburb of which American City?
(Los Angeles)
8. How many minims in a semibreve?
9. What was Cliff Richard's first hit record back in 1959?
(Livin' Doll)
10. In the 2009 Academy Awards, Goldie Hawn announced who to be the winner of the best supporting actor?
(Heath Ledger)
Famous Entertainers earn so much money, yet this money doesn't often provide the answers in life. For a Blog on things different check out Transforming Mission.
Geography Trivia Questions (4)
1. In which town in Israel would you find the Church of Saint Joseph, the Church of Annuciation and the Saint Mary's well?
2. The River Danube flows into which sea?
(The Black Sea)
3. What's the capital of Japan?
4. The Colorado river flows through which awe-inspiring landmark?
(The Grand Canyon)
5. Wellington is the capital of which Country?
(New Zealand)
6. Which is the largest island found in the Mediterranean Sea?
7. Viti Levu is the largest island of what country?
8. The star of David is found on what Country's flag?
9. The Loire is the longest what in France?
10. Which Country's capital is Dacca?
Nazareth was a town in which Jesus grew up. He claimed to be one who would bring life in all its fullness. That sounds hypocritical to some. For a Blog on Faith and Spirituality check out Transforming Mission.
Technology Trivia Questions (2)
1. Back in 2003, which company took over from Ford as the world's second biggest automobile manufacturer?
2. What does a chandler make or sell?
3. In the 17th Century, which country first produced IceCream?
4. In Internet Terminology, what does FTP stand for?
(File Transfer Protocol)
5. What about the acronoym LAN?
(Local Area Network)
6. Starting with 'F' what computer language did James Backus invent?
7. What Ford vehicle letter in 1927 denoted the car that followed the model T?
8. What is the first name of the guy who brought us the Dyson Vacuums?
9. The first 'Barbie' was released in New York in what year?
10. In the MG motor car, what does MG stand for?
(Morris Garages)
Does technology lead us to a better sense of purpose in life? Does it provide answers and meaning in a rapidly changing environment? For a Blog on things of Faith and Spirituality check out: Transforming Mission.
Best Ways to Advertise a Trivia Night
Get the word out. Make the Trivia Night appealing to others. Ask people to tell others about it. An exciting night will always attract others.
There's numerous ways to advertise a Trivia Night on the net. Post it onto Blogs. Have friends link to it from their site. Use facebook - list a new event. Use MySpace. Email your contact lists - Ask people to forward the advertisement on to their mates.
A bright, eye-catching poster and flyer will attract people's attention. Create a flyer that you can simply print in A5, A4 and A3 (Don't bother make three different poster designs!). Don't clutter the advertisement with too much writing. Maybe letter-box drop the flyers in your local community. Send the flyer attachment to the local newspaper.
God Bless you in your Trivia Endeveours.
Science and Nature Trivia Questions (5)
1. When two different animals or plants 'mate' they are called what?
2. In medicine, what does the acronym SARS stand for?
(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)
3. Which big cat is also known as a panther?
4. What is the process called, where rocks and soil on the earth's crust is continually worn away?
5. Starting with 'O', calpso, cattleya and pogonia are types of which flower?
6. A frog's larva is called a what?
7. What type of creature is a gecko?
8. What is the name given to magma that has erupted from a volcano?
9. Related to the body, what does C.N.S. stand for?
(Central Nervous System)
10. Which Nobel prize did Albert Einstein pick up in 1955?
Science and Religion need not be that far apart. For a Blog on Spirituality in the 21st Century, click here.
Entertainment Trivia Questions (4)
1. Which Private was saved in a 1998 film?
(Ryan - Saving Private Ryan)
2. How many academy awards did the movie, Titanic, receive?
3. Never ever was a hit from which girl band?
(All Saints)
4. Who wrote the Lord of the Rings before dying in 1973?
(J R R Tolkien)
5. For which 1964 role did Julie Andrews win an Oscar?
(Mary Poppins)
6. Who played 007 in the first Bond movie?
(Sean Connery)
7. In which US city is ER set?
8. Which fictional rabbit was 110 years old in 2003?
(Peter Rabbit)
9. John Denver died in the 1990s. Which year?
10. Wet Wet Wet recorded the song, Love is what?
(All Around)
Jesus was not an entertainer. He is the King of all kings. For a Blog on spirituality in the 21st century, click here...
Entertainment Trivia Questions (3)
1. Which Shakespeare play was the musical West Side Story based?
(Romeo and Juliet)
2. In 1964, which famous Band made an appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show?
(The Beatles)
3. Woody and Buzz Lightyear appeared in what film?
(Toy Story)
4. Who starred as Batman in Batman Forever?
(Val Kilmer)
5. Which actor starts in the recent 2009 movie Yes Man?
(Jim Carrey)
6. Which actor plays 007 in Goldeneye?
(Pierce Brosnan)
7. What kind of animal stars in Free Willy?
(A Killer Whale)
8. What did the initials TWTWTW mean to British TV viewers from 1962?
(That was the week that was)
9. Who starred in Waterworld?
(Kevin Costner)
10. Which actor said that Hollywood promoted violence?
(Dustin Hoffman)
Mel Gibson produced the controversial 'Passion of the Christ'. Find out more about the revolution that this Jesus brings (Click here).
Did you know?

If you type Taco Trivia into google it comes up third!
(This is at least in Victoria, Australia...)
(I think the above image comes from )
Aussie Sport Trivia Questions (3)
1. Who won the 1999 Brownlow Medal?
(Shane Crawford)
2. What is the distance of the Melbourne Cup race?
(3,200 metres)
3. The 2010 Grand Final, will be on what 'date' in September?
(25th Sept)
4. In which century was netball invented?
(19th Century)
5. Which country won the 2007 Cricket World Cup?
6. (Continued from last q'n) In what country was this World Cup played?
(West Indies)
7. Who won the 2006 Rugby League Tri-Nations Final?
8. What is David Boon's middle name?
9. Bart Cummings has won how many Melbourne Cups?
10. Michael Schumacher is born in what Country?
I wonder if Rex Hunt and Jesus would've got along? They were both fisherman. For more on this 'Jesus' - Click Here!
Science and Nature Trivia Questions (4)
1. Calcium is what atomic number on the periodic table?
2. Sir James Dyson is known for which invention?
(Vacuum Cleaner)
3. What is the first name of the pioneer of the nobel prizes?
4. What is the national flower of Wales?
5. Mass multiplied by acceleration equals what beginning with 'F'?
6. The scientific study of the distribution and abundance of life and the interactions between organisms and the environment is better known as what?
7. Two parts of oxygen with one part of carbon combine to create what compound?
(Carbon Dioxide - CO2)
8. The Roswell UFO incident occurred in what state of the U.S.A?
(New Mexico)
9. The World Health Organization says that 1.1 Billion people lack access to which everyday necessity?
(Clean Drinking Water)
10. A group of lions is called a what?
There is on going debate about evolution versus intelligent design. Why is it so difficult for scientists to believe that 'God created the heavens and the earth'? Maybe faith is needed... (Click here)
History Trivia Questions (4)
1. What year was the Berlin wall destroyed?
2. What disability did Beethoven suffer from?
3. In 1860, who became American President?
(Abraham Lincoln)
4. Which was invented first - the phone or the typewriter?
5. What was the name given to the first bicycle created?
(Penny Farthing)
6. Was Isaac Newton American, British or German?
7. In 1932 which Australian Landmark was built?
(Sydney Harbour Bridge)
8. How did Mahatma Gandhi die?
(He was assassinated)
9. What did Martin Luther King have a PhD in?
10. Which famous painter was born in 1452?
(Leonardo Di Vinci)
Just a thought: Jesus changed the course of history... (Click here)
History Trivia Questions (3)
1. What year did the Olympic Games begin?
2. Following on from last question... In what city did were the games held?
3. In what country was Albert Einstein born?
4. What number President was American J.F. Kennedy?
5. What religion was William Tyndale?
6. Which famous musician was born in 1756?
7. What is the only human built construction that can be seen in space?
(Great Wall of China)
8. Which year did C.S.Lewis die?
9. Thomas Edison pioneered the light bulb in what century?
(19th Century)
10. Who authored 'Oliver Twist'?
(Charles Dickens)
Just a thought: Jesus was more than just a nice historical story - but he was and still is the Son of God.
Geography Trivia Questions (3)
1. What is the capital of Egypt?
2. Jerusalem is west of which sea?
(Dead Sea)
3. Paraguay is found in which Continent?
(South America)
4. Las Vegas is found in which state of America?
5. According to a U.N. report in 2005, the estimated population of the world in 2050 will be how much (to the nearest billion)?
(9 Billion)
6. There are how many main types of clouds?
7. The treaty intended to achieve, "stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system," is better known as what?
(Kyoto Protocol - Earth Summit)
8. What is the country with the capital city Kuala Lumpur?
9. What is the currency of France?
10. What are the two colors found in the flag of Peru?
(Red and White)
From the Bible: Colossians 1:16 - For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him (i.e. Jesus!).
Children's Trivia Questions (3)
1. What color is Pikachu?
2. Who has the sling shot in The Simpsons?
(Bart Simpson)
3. Who manufactures the doll called Barbie?
4. In Lord of the Rings, what race is Legolas?
5. What's the name of the sixth Harry Potter movie being released?
(Half Blooded Prince)
6. On Average which animal is heavier, a horse or a cow?
7. Which company starting with 'N' hit the headlines when it was accused of offering free baby milk samples to third world countries and not encouraging breast feeding?
8. What letter is on the top of Mario's hat?
9. Name Kelly Slater's first name.
10. What year was the XBox 360 released?
From the Bible: Proverbs 22:6 - Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.