Facts about South Africa - Geography Trivia

Trivia Questions & Facts about the Geography of South Africa

1. Which is the most common natural disaster in South Africa? Is it heavy flooding, prolonged droughts or powerful hurricanes?
(Prolonged Droughts)
2. Name the two oceans surrounding the bottom parts of South Africa?
(Indian Ocean & the South Atlantic Ocean)
3. Name atleast two of the countries that touch the border of South Africa.
(Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Swaziland, Lesotho)
4. Air polution in South Africa can cause what?
(Acid rain)
5. Chrissie, is the name of the largest what in South Africa?
(The largest lake)
6. What's the largest city in South Africa, population wise?
7. Are there more blacks or whites in South Africa?
(Blacks - 79.3% of the population)
8. Which is the largest of the three capital cities of South Africa?
(Cape Town)
9. In 2005, 31% of pregnant South African women were found to be infected with what?
10. What is the main religion of South Africa?

There you go. There's some Facts about South Africa.

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1 comment:

  1. Rocky Mountains on the West and the Appalachian Mountains to the East. To the North, there is no major mountain chain, only the Canadian shield.


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