2. The five books of Moses are called the _________.
3. The word that means solemn declaration is ___________.
4. The books that provide useful historical and religious information but are not inspired are called __________.
5. Apart from spiritual reasons, the Bible is also significant for ___________.
6. The four major kinds of writings in the New Testament are the ___________, __________, ____________, and ___________.
7. The Jewish historian who confirmed a unified and recognized body of writing known as the Old Testament is __________.
8. An authoritative collection of documents is called a _________.
9. The working together of God and the human writers in the composition of the Bible is called __________.
10. The earliest manuscripts of the New Testament were written on _________.
Chapter 1 - Encountering the New Testament (Elwell & Yarbrough). Answers:
1. Torah, Prophets, Writings
2. Torah
3. Testament
4. Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical
5. Cultural literacy
6. Gospels, Acts, letters, prophecy
7. Josephus
8. Canon
9. Concursus
10. Papyrus
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