Fundraising Tip - How to paint street numbers
An easy fundraiser. Paint people's street numbers on their curb.
What products do you need?
* Stencil Cutouts for the numbers 0 - 9.
* A square stencil
* White reflective spray paint
* Black spray paint
- Paint the curb with a white square.
- Paint the inside with the appropriate numbers, using the black paint
- Charge $15 a house.
100 houses = $1,500 minus expenses of about $200 = $1,300. Not bad for a days work. Rally together some helpers. This could be a significant fundraiser.
There you go. Another fundraising tip - How to paint street numbers.
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TACO Trivia Fundraising is about providing you with Trivia questions and fundraising tips that interest you and empower you.
This blog has trivia questions, things to buy, fundraising ideas, links, ads, more trivia questions, comments, and loads more.
Welcome to TACO Trivia.
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Melbourne Cup Trivia Questions
1. Whats the distance of the Melbourne Cup Race in Kilometres?
(3.2 km)
2. What year has the Melbourne Cup been held since?
3. Which horse holds the Melbourne Cup's fastest time, with 3 min 16.3 seconds?
(Kingston Rule)
4. The current Melbourne Cup Trophy is made up of how many pieces of gold?
5. How many horses raced in the first ever Melbourne Cup?
6. What year did Phar Lap win the Melbourne Cup?
7. Which nationality horse won the 2006 Melbourne Cup?
(Japanese - Delta Blues)
8. What happened to the 1916 Melbourne Cup starting time?
(The race was postponed)
9. Makybe Diva has the most wins for a horse at the Melbourne Cup, being 3. What years did he win?
(2003, 2004, 2005)
10. Bobby Lewis and Harry White both hold the most wins by a jockey in the Melbourne Cup - How many did they both win?
11. What name for a particular meat, was the name of the horse that won the 1999 Melbourne Cup?
(Rogan Josh)
12. Tawrrific won the 1989 Melbourne Cup. Spell the horses name correctly.
Well hope the Melbourne Cup celebrations go well for you. Don't drink too much, you might make a fool of yourself!
Movember - Fundraising Link
Check out: and then click on what part of the world that you may be a part of.
Good marketing can produce good fundraising. This is creative and innovative and also gets the male population interested in fundraising!
Do you participate in Movember? Let us know. Comment below.
Christmas Trivia Questions and Answers
1. Jesus was born in what city?
2. In the late 1800s German-American Thomas Nast is known for drawing and making popular which character?
(Santa Claus)
3. What is the first line of the second verse of Away in a Manger?
(The Cattle are lowing)
4. The first noel, the angels did say, was to __________ poor shepherds?
5. What is the second line of the second verse of Silent Night?
(Shepherds quake at the site
6. On the eleventh day of Christmas, what did my true love bring to me?
(Eleven pipers piping)
7. What is advent sunday? The first, second, third or fourth Sunday before Christmas?
8. Who's well known for singng White Christmas?
(Bing Crosby)
9. What year did Cuba decide to reinstate Christmas because a Pope was coming to town?
10. Which Scientist argued that the date of Christmas Day was chosen to correspond with the winter solstice?
(Sir Isaac Newton)
Hope you have an awesome Christmas! Hope these Trivia Questions and Answers help with the Trivia Fundraiser or Event you might be having. God bless.
Advertising at the Super Bowl Quiz
Well, the SuperBowl cost $2.6 Million to play a 30 second advertisement during the game. If you were in the States and you were watching. Take this quiz to see if you can remember who were the adverts. Was it worth the money?
For more American Sport Trivia Questions, click here.
Harry Potter Trivia Questions and Answers
Here's some Children's Trivia Questions!
Harry Potter Trivia Questions and Answers
1. Harry Potter and Ron Weasley's female counterpart is who? [first name and last name]
(Hermoine Granger)
2. Who killed Harry Potter's parents?
(Lord Voldemort)
3. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone was released in what year?
4. At what age does Harry Potter discover that he is a wizard?
(11 years old)
5. What is Hagrid's first name?
6. What is the name of J.K.Rowling's fourth Harry Potter novel?
(Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire)
7. In Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix, the Ministry appoint who as the High Inquisitor of Hogwarts?
(Delores Umbridge)
8. In 2001 J.K. Rowling produced two books to raise money for which charity?
(Comic Relief)
9. In 1990, what was J.K.Rowling travelling on, when the idea of Harry Potter came into her mind?
(A Crowded Train)
10. How many other Billionaire Authors are alongside J.K.Rowling in terms of income from books?
To make a comment about Harry Potter, comment below. Hope you find these trivia questions useful, interesting and convenient!
Links: J.K.Rowling Site
Trivia Products - Trivia Products for your next fundraiser
At TACO Trivia we have a couple of things:
* TACO Trivia E-Booklet, selling for $4.95. This is a short booklet giving you some ideas on running a Trivia night. Click here.
* We sell badges for $1. (Well it's not for Trivia, but click here if it interests you).
Some other Trivia Products. Check out: They have things to purchase, and a whole heap more questions to consider than TACO Trivia.
At you can get your hands on an answer sheet template and a free poster template, once you have logged in to their system. Worth looking at?
Do YOU have any Trivia Products worth spruiking? Comment here.
Do you have any fundraising links?
I like: . It lets you set up your own fundraising page, and you can keep track of your fundraising goals. You simply get the word out and email all your friends and relatives. Make them donate! has a huge list of fundraising ideas.
Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the list of fundraising options? Hmm... do I have the option for you. We're selling Fundraising Badges. We have a set design of a few badges, which we sell for only $1 each. You then sell them off for $2. Click here.
Tell us your fundraising link.
Kermit the Frog
1. Kermit the frog was first introduced in what year?
2. Kermit the frog was created by who?
(Jim Hensen)
3. What Kermit the frog's song was a hit in the movie, 'The Muppet Movie'?
(The rainbow connection)
4. Kermit was given an honourary doctorate of what on May 19th, 1996?
(Honourary Doctorate of Amphibious Letters)
5. True or Fale: Kermit the Frog has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame?
Do you like Kermit the Frog? Which Jim Hensen puppet is your favourite? Comment below.
Random link: Check out:
Robbie Williams
1. What is Robbie Williams full name?
(Robert Peter Williams)
2. What year was Robbie Williams born?
3. In 2004 Robbie was conducted into what Hall of Fame?
(The UK Music Hall of Fame)
4. What popular band was Robbie Williams a singer and dancer in, early in his career?
(Take That)
5. Robbie William's greatest hits album was released in what year?
For more trivia questions on selected celebrities, click here.
Fundraising Ideas - The Idea? Badges, Badges, Badges

Click here for the Webstore

This fundraising idea is about selling Badges!! Cool looking, small badges that people wear all over their clothes. Young people love them. You buy the badges for $1 each, and sell the badges for $2. Fundraising never looked that easy. Above are some badge designs that we sell here at TACO Trivia Fundraising.
Buy some today. Or email us for a free badge, just to try it out:
Buy the Badges for $1 Each. Sell for $2.
That's a 100% profit.
Click here to go to our Fundraising Webstore.
Sell 500 badges and raise $500 for your school, club, organisation or church group. Fundraising just takes one good idea...
Fundraising Sites - Tips on raising money for your cause
Free fundraising Idea Centre is also full of ideas for your next fundraiser. Check it out here. They promote the idea of having a website made for you for free which sells magazine subscriptions and you receive 40% of the profit. The site claims that you should go for it, because most households have 2-3 magazine subscriptions already. Hmm... not sure about the accuracy of that, but it still could be worth a try.
Another Australian Fundraising Site is What about custom labelled water? I wonder whether this is more of a marketing strategy for companies, or whether this would actually be a viable fundraising strategy.
God bless you on your next fundraising initiative.
Review Trivia Questions - Encountering the New Testament - Chapter 1

The Canon - Collating Biblical Passages - Trivia Questions
Early Church Canon - Questions about the collating of Biblical Passages
1. A hand written copy of the Bible (prior to the Printing Press), is called a what?
2. The earliest documents were written on what starting with 'P'?
3. Documents that record Biblical passages in Capitals are called what?
4. Minuscules display cursive writing that developed primarily in a place called what?
5. Books that were used in Church Worship in the early days, were called what starting with 'L'?
6. Textual evidence suggests that the four Gospels were written in what century?
(First Century)
7. What is the name of the ongoing academic pursuit of the precise wording of original New Testament documents?
(Textual Criticism)
8. The King James Version of the Bible was created in what year?
For a Blog on Christian Mission and Leadership, click here.
General Trivia Questions about the Bible
1. What is the name, starting with 'A' given to the books that didn't make the Protestant Bible but are in Roman Catholic Bibles?
(The Apocrypha)
2. The Torah is also called what starting with 'P'?
(The Pentateuch)
3. How many books in the New Testament are labelled as prophecy?
4. Was Josephus written about in the book of Acts?
(No - we was a Jewish Historian well after the days of the book of Acts)
5. An authoritative collection of documents transformed into the Bible is called what starting with 'C'?
(A Canon)
6. What apocryphal book tells of the torture of seven sons and the murder of their mother?
(2 Maccabees)
7. Jesus said, 'We worship what we do not know, for salvation is from the _____' (John 4:22)
8. According to Athanasius, how many epistles are from the Apostle Paul?
9. Concursus is the combination of divine and 'what' elements to create the Bible?
10. In 2 Timothy 3:16 all scripture is God 'what'?
God inpsired humans to put together the Bible. It is the living Word. It is divinely inspired. It will speak into your life. For a blog on Christian Mission and Leadership click here.
Fundraise for your church. Buy cool looking $1 badges and sell for $2. Click here.
TACO Trivia Webstore
Click here!
Fundraising Online - 5 fundraising sites!
1. Chocolate fundraising - Cadbury -
3. Mars Fundraising - - More chocolate fundraising
4. Fast Fundraising Australia -
5. My Cause - - This gives you a platform to advertise and promote and raise money for a cause of your choice. Good site. Good fundraising page.
For the TACO Trivia Webstore click below:
We are currently selling a Trivia E-Booklet for just $4.95. More items to come.
Fundraising Ideas - The 10 quick ideas
Here's 10 quick ideas, to get you thinking:
1. Sell Chocolates
2. Make a cookbook, and sell it
Have everyone in a community group bring a recipe, and put it in a recipe book!
3. Car Wash
4. Toy Catalogue -
5. Write your own book and publish it!
6. Bike ride from A to B
7. Shaving the head
8. Some extreme feat, e.g. most couples kissing in a public space. Charge an entry fee
9. Delivering Phone Books - Back-breaking, and labour intensive, but other than that its pretty easy, brainless money raising
10. A BBQ fundraiser at the local Hardware Store (e.g. Bunnings, ACE hardware, etc)
Contact Us
If you need to contact TACO Trivia please email Peter:
By Post:
PO Box 2210,
NT, 0830
The Simpsons - Trivia Questions and Answers
1. Who created The Simpsons?
(Matt Groening)
2. What year did The Simpsons debut on TV?
3. What is Danny Elfman's job?
(Theme Music Composer for The Simpsons)
4. Julie Kavner does the voice of which of The Simpsons family?
(Marge Simpson)
5. What is Homer's main job?
(Safety Inspector at Springfield Nuclear Power Plant)
6. What is the name of The Simpson's dog?
(Santa's little helper)
7. In early episodes Bart used to make prank phone calls to which tavern?
(Moe's Tavern)
8. What year was The Simpsons movie released?
The official Simpsons website: Click here
Use the buttons on the right to find more FREE Trivia Questions and Answers on differing topics, including Entertainment, Technology, Science and Nature and MORE!
Tips on How to Run a Successful Fundraising Trivia/Quiz Night
Tip #1 (How to run a Successful Fundraising Trivia Night) - Advertise like crazy
There are many ways to advertise a Trivia Night. Here's a list of some standard and creative ways:
* Facebook - Load up a new event. Put it on your 'wall'. Put it on your status updates
* Twitter - Just twit about it everyday. Put a link on it to a webpage, or your facebook.
* Email - Try emailing the local Council members and the local Council Youth worker, and the Non-For-Profit sector of the community. Ask them to forward the advertisement on. Many of these workers already have mailing list that they forward newsletters on to. Email your local Parliament member.
* Flyers - A4, A5, A3. Put the flyers up at shops, at local schools, letterbox drop the flyers
* School Newsletters. Usually a quick email to the appropriate person works, and if you don't know the right email address, just ring the admin office of the school.
* Local Radio - It is much easier to get a quick advertisement onto local radio. Some radio stations will even interview you, if the cause of the Trivia Night is news worthy.
Tip #2 (How to run a Successful Fundraising Trivia Night) - Have a Cause - Raise the profile of the Cause
If you want to spark interest, and if you wish to raise a lot of money, you need to communicate to people the cause of the trivia night. The stronger people's connection to the cause, or the stronger you can build people's passion for the cause, the greater the night will be. When people open up their heart to what the night is supporting, they generally open up their wallet as well. It can be frustrating to think that people won't just give you lots of money if you tell them 'I'm raising money for...' But if you share a story or two, or real life people or events that have changed things for the better, then people will support the cause more generously.
Tip #3 (How to run a Successful Fundraising Trivia Night) - Don't just rely on entry sales to raise money
Depending on demographics of people within your contact groups really changes how much you would charge people to enter the trivia night. Some groups put on glamorous events and charge $55 a head. Other community groups charge $10 a head and encourage people to book a whole table. To run a successful quiz night, don't just rely on these entry sales. If you have 100 people at your trivia night, and they each have paid $15 to enter, that's $1,500. Think how much disposable income people have in their wallets. Sure, some have nothing, but others are probably willing to let go of another $50 or so if there is a strong enough cause, or reason to do so. Play some fundraising games. Charge for drinks at the bar/counter. Run an auction with donated goods; its amazing how much money people let go of, when they're receiving something or worth, as well as donating to a fundraising cause. Try not to just run games where you are only asking for $1 and $2 coins. Find creative ways to have people donate some more than this.
Tip #4 (How to run a Successful Fundraising Trivia Night) - Good Trivia Questions
Make sure you don't have vague trivia questions that could have more than one answer, e.g. 'What ingredients do you use to make Playdough'? Well, five different people have five different answers and you end up with arguments. Have the appropriate amount of rounds. TACO Trivia Nights tend to have 8 rounds, with 10 questions in each round. Don't let the quiz questions be too hard. Ever sat in the trivia night where the brainy table are getting all the answers, and everyone else don't know ANY of the answers. Have different rounds of questions. For example:
Round 1 - Sport
Round 2 - Entertainment
Round 3 - General Knowledge
Round 4 - Children's Questions
Round 5 - Music
Round 6 - Science
Round 7 - History
Round 8 - Technology
Questions for trivia nights can be found on many websites, including here at TACO Trivia.
Tip #5 (How to run a Successful Fundraising Trivia Night) - Plan well in advance
Ever used Microsoft Project or something similar? You can outline all the expectations for running a trivia night. Start well in advance. Set your trivia night date. Then list all the facets of the trivia night, e.g. advertising, volunteers, finances, running of the night, etc, that need to be completed prior to the event. You could put together a working party, and delegate tasks to each other. Someone could be in charge of advertising, another of collating Trivia Questions, etc.
Well there you have it, TACO Trivia's Top 5 Tips on "How to Run a Successful Fundraising Trivia/Quiz Night".
Hope some of that helps. Feel free to comment, and leave some advice to others.
Michael Jackson - The King of Pop
Michael Jackson - Entertainment Trivia Questions and Answers
1. What is the birth date of Michael Jackson?
(August 29th, 1958)
2. Michael Jackson made his debut in what year?
3. What was Michael Jackson's famous second album called?
4. Michael Jackson's eighth album, called Dangerous, was released in what year?
5. Michael Jackson performed at the SuperBowl one year. What number SuperBowl was it?(27th)
6. Who did Michael Jackson marry in 1994?
(Lisa Marie Presley)
7. What was the name of the 1978 film, starring Michael Jackson as a Scarecrow?
(The Wiz)
More on Michael Jackson at:
American Football Trivia Questions - NFL
1. American Football is played on a field that measures 360 feet by how many feet?
2. How many players are on the Offensive line?
3. The 46 Defense was created by who?
(Buddy Ryan)
4. What year did the NFL begin?
5. What stadium hosted the SuperBowl in 2006?
(Ford Field)
6. Who won the 2004 NFL SuperBowl?
(Tampa Bay Buccaneers)
7. What NFL team has won the SuperBowl six times?
(Pittsburgh Steelers)
For more questions and answers on the NFL, Check out
AFL Trivia Questions and Answers

1. Who was the first VFL club created?
The Salvation Army - History Trivia Questions
1. What year did the Volunteer Army become 'The Salvation Army'?
2. Who was the second General of The Salvation Army?
(Bramwell Booth)
3. Following the opening of the work of The Salvation Army in Nepal in 2009, how many countries does The Salvation Army currently work in?
(118 Countries)
4. The first part of Doctrine Eight of The Salvation Army says that we are justified by 'what' through 'what' in our Lord Jesus Christ...?
(Grace - Faith)
5. What are the colours of the Salvation Army flag?
(Red, Blue, Yellow)
6. Which colour on The Salvation Army flag covers the most area on the flag?
7. In The Salvation Army salute, which finger points upwards?
(Index finger)
8. Thora Hird and Patsy Rowlands stared in which British TV sitcom focused on The Salvation Army?
9. Bramwell Tillsley was elected General via the High Council in what year?
10. The Salvation Army began in Norway in what year?
For a Blog on Salvation Army Mission check out: Army Barmy