Why bother raising the money?

In the Training College in Melbourne facilities are good. Great in fact, when you compare them to Training College's in Third World Countries. We complain when the billiard table has a scratch on it, yet some of these other Training facilities lack the bare essentials.

The Territorial TACO Team are passionate about thinking beyond ourselves, and our own comfortability. We want to sow blessing into those from other countries who have it harder than us. By raising money through the TACO Trivia Nights we can put money where it's needed most.

It's not good enough that there is a waiting list of cadets in some Third World Countries. It's not good enough that a cadet can lose their chance to learn and grow because they don't have a good enough bed to sleep on!

Choose to host a TACO Trivia Night. You won't regret it, and God will bless you for it!!

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