Hannah Montana Trivia Questions

Tiger Woods - A Great Golfer
1. What is Tiger Wood's Christian name?
(Eldrick Tont Woods)
2. What year was Tiger Woods the highest paid professional athlete?
3. As of 2008, Tiger Woods has won a total of how many Major Championships?
4. What religion does Tiger Woods follow?
5. Who did Tiger Woods marry on the Carribean in 2004?
(Sandy Lane)
God bless Tiger.
Michael Phelps - A great American swimmer

Michael Jordan - One of NBA's greatest
1. Which team did Michael Jordan play most of his NBA career with?
(Chicago Bulls)
2. What year did he join the NBA?
3. When Michael Jordan returned to NBA in 2001, which team did he join?
(Washington Wizards)
4. Name the six different years in which Michael Jordan won an NBA championship
(1991, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 1998)
5. How many NBA MVP's (Most Valuable Player) did Michael Jordan win?
6. During the playoffs in 1993, what was Michael Jordan doing that became controversial?
Babe Ruth - The greatest Baseball player of all time?
American Sport Trivia Questions - Babe Ruth
1. What year did Babe Ruth begin American Major League Baseball?
2. What is Babe Ruth's real name?
(George Herman Ruth Jnr.)
3. What state was Babe Ruth born in?
4. Babe Ruth died at what age?
5. Name two baseball teams Babe Ruth played for?
(Boston Red Sox, New York Yankees, Boston Braves)
Elijah - A powerful prophet of God
1. What prophets is Elijah well known for destroying?
(the prophets of Baal)
2. Who was Elijah's successor?
3. God spoke with Elijah on what mountain?
(Mt. Sinai)
4. King Ahab married which Canaanite woman?
5. Ahab was the son of which man?
6. What does the King James Version of the Bible call Elijah?
To read a blog on Christian mission - Click here.
Gideon - Weak then Brave
1. Starting with 'M' who were the people that God wanted Gideon's army to attack?
(The Midianites)
2. What number judge did God make Gideon?
3. What valley did the Midianites and the Amalekites join together to fight Gideon?
(The Valley of Jezreel)
4. How many Israelites answered Gideon's initial call to go into battle?
(32,000 Israelites)
5. What musical instrument did the 300 warriors in Gideon's army have to carry with them?
(The Trumpet)
Thanks Gideon for your example. While some of us may feel week, we can trust in God. Click here for a blog on Spirituality.
Moses - The leader of the Jews
1. Moses was born in what country?
2. Who was Moses' brother?
3. Who was Moses' sister?
4. God asked Moses to return to Egypt and speak to who?
5. How many plagues were there in Egypt?
6. Moses died on what mountain?
(Mt. Nebo)
7. Moses was not allowed to lead the Israelites into the promised land. What was the name of the city they were going to enter?
8. Who was Moses' successor?
For the Bible online - Click here
Ford Motor Company - Over 100 years of innovation

1. Who pioneered the Ford Motor Company?
(Henry Ford - pictured at left)
2. What year did the Ford Motor Company begin?
3. What was the name of the model of the first Ford motor vehicle?
(Model A)
4. Henry Ford's personal motto was 'Help the other... what?'
5. Who was Henry Ford's son in whom he handed over the Ford Motor Company in 1919?
For more on the Ford Motor Company - Click here
The Don - Australia's Best Batsman?

War Ravaged Vietnam

1. Vietnam is officially known as what?
(Socialist Republic of Vietnam)
2. What large country lies to the north of Vietnam?
3. The Vietnam War ended in which year?
4. Who won the Vietnam War?
(North Vietnamese)
5. What is the main religion in Vietnam?
IBM - Technology at your hands

Technology Trivia Questions - IBM
1. What does IBM stand for?
(International Business Machines Corporation)
2. What state of the USA, is the IBM headquarters?
(New York)
3. In 2009, who was the CEO of IBM?
(Samuel J. Palmisano)
4. The Tabulating Machince Company became which famous corporation?
Official IBM website: Click here
President Barack Obama

The Wiggles - Aussie Kid's Music Group

Peter Brock - A Racing Legend
1. Peter Brock was most associated with which vechicle company?
2. What Victorian town was Peter Brock born in?
3. What year was Peter Brock's tragic death?
4. Peter Brock began a Philanthropic organisation supporting disadvantage youth. What's the name of the foundation?
(Peter Brock Foundation)
King Henry VIII
History Trivia Questions - King Henry VIII
1. What century was King Henry VIII born?
(15th Century)
2. King Henry VIII broke away from which Church?
(Roman Catholic Church)
3. King Henry VIII's wife Catherine, was known as Catherine of what?
4. Who was King Henry VIII's next heir to the throne?
(his son - Edward VI)
The IPod
1. What year did Apple Computers introduce their music digital player called the IPod?
2. Tony Fadell is the founder of which popular electronic device?
(The IPod)
Disney Movie UP
1. What age is the old man from the 2009 Disney Movie, 'UP'?
2. The 2009 Disney Movie 'UP' is directed by two people. One is Pete Docter, and the other is who?
(Bob Peterson)