What's the best way to advertise a Trivia Night?
Get the word out. Make the Trivia Night appealing to others. Ask people to tell others about it. An exciting night will always attract others.
There's numerous ways to advertise a Trivia Night on the net. Post it onto Blogs. Have friends link to it from their site. Use facebook - list a new event. Use MySpace. Email your contact lists - Ask people to forward the advertisement on to their mates.
A bright, eye-catching poster and flyer will attract people's attention. Create a flyer that you can simply print in A5, A4 and A3 (Don't bother make three different poster designs!). Don't clutter the advertisement with too much writing. Maybe letter-box drop the flyers in your local community. Send the flyer attachment to the local newspaper.
God Bless you in your Trivia Endeveours.
Science and Nature Trivia Questions (5)
Science and Nature Trivia Questions (5)
1. When two different animals or plants 'mate' they are called what?
2. In medicine, what does the acronym SARS stand for?
(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)
3. Which big cat is also known as a panther?
4. What is the process called, where rocks and soil on the earth's crust is continually worn away?
5. Starting with 'O', calpso, cattleya and pogonia are types of which flower?
6. A frog's larva is called a what?
7. What type of creature is a gecko?
8. What is the name given to magma that has erupted from a volcano?
9. Related to the body, what does C.N.S. stand for?
(Central Nervous System)
10. Which Nobel prize did Albert Einstein pick up in 1955?
Science and Religion need not be that far apart. For a Blog on Spirituality in the 21st Century, click here.
1. When two different animals or plants 'mate' they are called what?
2. In medicine, what does the acronym SARS stand for?
(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)
3. Which big cat is also known as a panther?
4. What is the process called, where rocks and soil on the earth's crust is continually worn away?
5. Starting with 'O', calpso, cattleya and pogonia are types of which flower?
6. A frog's larva is called a what?
7. What type of creature is a gecko?
8. What is the name given to magma that has erupted from a volcano?
9. Related to the body, what does C.N.S. stand for?
(Central Nervous System)
10. Which Nobel prize did Albert Einstein pick up in 1955?
Science and Religion need not be that far apart. For a Blog on Spirituality in the 21st Century, click here.
Entertainment Trivia Questions (4)
Entertainment Trivia Questions (4)
1. Which Private was saved in a 1998 film?
(Ryan - Saving Private Ryan)
2. How many academy awards did the movie, Titanic, receive?
3. Never ever was a hit from which girl band?
(All Saints)
4. Who wrote the Lord of the Rings before dying in 1973?
(J R R Tolkien)
5. For which 1964 role did Julie Andrews win an Oscar?
(Mary Poppins)
6. Who played 007 in the first Bond movie?
(Sean Connery)
7. In which US city is ER set?
8. Which fictional rabbit was 110 years old in 2003?
(Peter Rabbit)
9. John Denver died in the 1990s. Which year?
10. Wet Wet Wet recorded the song, Love is what?
(All Around)
Jesus was not an entertainer. He is the King of all kings. For a Blog on spirituality in the 21st century, click here...
1. Which Private was saved in a 1998 film?
(Ryan - Saving Private Ryan)
2. How many academy awards did the movie, Titanic, receive?
3. Never ever was a hit from which girl band?
(All Saints)
4. Who wrote the Lord of the Rings before dying in 1973?
(J R R Tolkien)
5. For which 1964 role did Julie Andrews win an Oscar?
(Mary Poppins)
6. Who played 007 in the first Bond movie?
(Sean Connery)
7. In which US city is ER set?
8. Which fictional rabbit was 110 years old in 2003?
(Peter Rabbit)
9. John Denver died in the 1990s. Which year?
10. Wet Wet Wet recorded the song, Love is what?
(All Around)
Jesus was not an entertainer. He is the King of all kings. For a Blog on spirituality in the 21st century, click here...
Entertainment Trivia Questions (3)
Entertainment Trivia Questions (3)
1. Which Shakespeare play was the musical West Side Story based?
(Romeo and Juliet)
2. In 1964, which famous Band made an appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show?
(The Beatles)
3. Woody and Buzz Lightyear appeared in what film?
(Toy Story)
4. Who starred as Batman in Batman Forever?
(Val Kilmer)
5. Which actor starts in the recent 2009 movie Yes Man?
(Jim Carrey)
6. Which actor plays 007 in Goldeneye?
(Pierce Brosnan)
7. What kind of animal stars in Free Willy?
(A Killer Whale)
8. What did the initials TWTWTW mean to British TV viewers from 1962?
(That was the week that was)
9. Who starred in Waterworld?
(Kevin Costner)
10. Which actor said that Hollywood promoted violence?
(Dustin Hoffman)
Mel Gibson produced the controversial 'Passion of the Christ'. Find out more about the revolution that this Jesus brings (Click here).
1. Which Shakespeare play was the musical West Side Story based?
(Romeo and Juliet)
2. In 1964, which famous Band made an appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show?
(The Beatles)
3. Woody and Buzz Lightyear appeared in what film?
(Toy Story)
4. Who starred as Batman in Batman Forever?
(Val Kilmer)
5. Which actor starts in the recent 2009 movie Yes Man?
(Jim Carrey)
6. Which actor plays 007 in Goldeneye?
(Pierce Brosnan)
7. What kind of animal stars in Free Willy?
(A Killer Whale)
8. What did the initials TWTWTW mean to British TV viewers from 1962?
(That was the week that was)
9. Who starred in Waterworld?
(Kevin Costner)
10. Which actor said that Hollywood promoted violence?
(Dustin Hoffman)
Mel Gibson produced the controversial 'Passion of the Christ'. Find out more about the revolution that this Jesus brings (Click here).
Did you know?

If you type Taco Trivia into Yahoo.com this site comes up first on the list!
If you type Taco Trivia into google it comes up third!
(This is at least in Victoria, Australia...)
If you type Taco Trivia into google it comes up third!
(This is at least in Victoria, Australia...)
(I think the above image comes from www.tacobell.com )
Aussie Sport Trivia Questions (3)
Aussie Sport Trivia Questions (3)
1. Who won the 1999 Brownlow Medal?
(Shane Crawford)
2. What is the distance of the Melbourne Cup race?
(3,200 metres)
3. The 2010 Grand Final, will be on what 'date' in September?
(25th Sept)
4. In which century was netball invented?
(19th Century)
5. Which country won the 2007 Cricket World Cup?
6. (Continued from last q'n) In what country was this World Cup played?
(West Indies)
7. Who won the 2006 Rugby League Tri-Nations Final?
8. What is David Boon's middle name?
9. Bart Cummings has won how many Melbourne Cups?
10. Michael Schumacher is born in what Country?
I wonder if Rex Hunt and Jesus would've got along? They were both fisherman. For more on this 'Jesus' - Click Here!
1. Who won the 1999 Brownlow Medal?
(Shane Crawford)
2. What is the distance of the Melbourne Cup race?
(3,200 metres)
3. The 2010 Grand Final, will be on what 'date' in September?
(25th Sept)
4. In which century was netball invented?
(19th Century)
5. Which country won the 2007 Cricket World Cup?
6. (Continued from last q'n) In what country was this World Cup played?
(West Indies)
7. Who won the 2006 Rugby League Tri-Nations Final?
8. What is David Boon's middle name?
9. Bart Cummings has won how many Melbourne Cups?
10. Michael Schumacher is born in what Country?
I wonder if Rex Hunt and Jesus would've got along? They were both fisherman. For more on this 'Jesus' - Click Here!
Science and Nature Trivia Questions (4)
Science and Nature Trivia Questions (4)
1. Calcium is what atomic number on the periodic table?
2. Sir James Dyson is known for which invention?
(Vacuum Cleaner)
3. What is the first name of the pioneer of the nobel prizes?
4. What is the national flower of Wales?
5. Mass multiplied by acceleration equals what beginning with 'F'?
6. The scientific study of the distribution and abundance of life and the interactions between organisms and the environment is better known as what?
7. Two parts of oxygen with one part of carbon combine to create what compound?
(Carbon Dioxide - CO2)
8. The Roswell UFO incident occurred in what state of the U.S.A?
(New Mexico)
9. The World Health Organization says that 1.1 Billion people lack access to which everyday necessity?
(Clean Drinking Water)
10. A group of lions is called a what?
There is on going debate about evolution versus intelligent design. Why is it so difficult for scientists to believe that 'God created the heavens and the earth'? Maybe faith is needed... (Click here)
1. Calcium is what atomic number on the periodic table?
2. Sir James Dyson is known for which invention?
(Vacuum Cleaner)
3. What is the first name of the pioneer of the nobel prizes?
4. What is the national flower of Wales?
5. Mass multiplied by acceleration equals what beginning with 'F'?
6. The scientific study of the distribution and abundance of life and the interactions between organisms and the environment is better known as what?
7. Two parts of oxygen with one part of carbon combine to create what compound?
(Carbon Dioxide - CO2)
8. The Roswell UFO incident occurred in what state of the U.S.A?
(New Mexico)
9. The World Health Organization says that 1.1 Billion people lack access to which everyday necessity?
(Clean Drinking Water)
10. A group of lions is called a what?
There is on going debate about evolution versus intelligent design. Why is it so difficult for scientists to believe that 'God created the heavens and the earth'? Maybe faith is needed... (Click here)
History Trivia Questions (4)
History Trivia Questions (4)
1. What year was the Berlin wall destroyed?
2. What disability did Beethoven suffer from?
3. In 1860, who became American President?
(Abraham Lincoln)
4. Which was invented first - the phone or the typewriter?
5. What was the name given to the first bicycle created?
(Penny Farthing)
6. Was Isaac Newton American, British or German?
7. In 1932 which Australian Landmark was built?
(Sydney Harbour Bridge)
8. How did Mahatma Gandhi die?
(He was assassinated)
9. What did Martin Luther King have a PhD in?
10. Which famous painter was born in 1452?
(Leonardo Di Vinci)
Just a thought: Jesus changed the course of history... (Click here)
1. What year was the Berlin wall destroyed?
2. What disability did Beethoven suffer from?
3. In 1860, who became American President?
(Abraham Lincoln)
4. Which was invented first - the phone or the typewriter?
5. What was the name given to the first bicycle created?
(Penny Farthing)
6. Was Isaac Newton American, British or German?
7. In 1932 which Australian Landmark was built?
(Sydney Harbour Bridge)
8. How did Mahatma Gandhi die?
(He was assassinated)
9. What did Martin Luther King have a PhD in?
10. Which famous painter was born in 1452?
(Leonardo Di Vinci)
Just a thought: Jesus changed the course of history... (Click here)
History Trivia Questions (3)
History Trivia Questions (3)
1. What year did the Olympic Games begin?
2. Following on from last question... In what city did were the games held?
3. In what country was Albert Einstein born?
4. What number President was American J.F. Kennedy?
5. What religion was William Tyndale?
6. Which famous musician was born in 1756?
7. What is the only human built construction that can be seen in space?
(Great Wall of China)
8. Which year did C.S.Lewis die?
9. Thomas Edison pioneered the light bulb in what century?
(19th Century)
10. Who authored 'Oliver Twist'?
(Charles Dickens)
Just a thought: Jesus was more than just a nice historical story - but he was and still is the Son of God.
1. What year did the Olympic Games begin?
2. Following on from last question... In what city did were the games held?
3. In what country was Albert Einstein born?
4. What number President was American J.F. Kennedy?
5. What religion was William Tyndale?
6. Which famous musician was born in 1756?
7. What is the only human built construction that can be seen in space?
(Great Wall of China)
8. Which year did C.S.Lewis die?
9. Thomas Edison pioneered the light bulb in what century?
(19th Century)
10. Who authored 'Oliver Twist'?
(Charles Dickens)
Just a thought: Jesus was more than just a nice historical story - but he was and still is the Son of God.
Geography Trivia Questions (3)
Geography Trivia Questions (3)
1. What is the capital of Egypt?
2. Jerusalem is west of which sea?
(Dead Sea)
3. Paraguay is found in which Continent?
(South America)
4. Las Vegas is found in which state of America?
5. According to a U.N. report in 2005, the estimated population of the world in 2050 will be how much (to the nearest billion)?
(9 Billion)
6. There are how many main types of clouds?
7. The treaty intended to achieve, "stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system," is better known as what?
(Kyoto Protocol - Earth Summit)
8. What is the country with the capital city Kuala Lumpur?
9. What is the currency of France?
10. What are the two colors found in the flag of Peru?
(Red and White)
From the Bible: Colossians 1:16 - For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him (i.e. Jesus!).
1. What is the capital of Egypt?
2. Jerusalem is west of which sea?
(Dead Sea)
3. Paraguay is found in which Continent?
(South America)
4. Las Vegas is found in which state of America?
5. According to a U.N. report in 2005, the estimated population of the world in 2050 will be how much (to the nearest billion)?
(9 Billion)
6. There are how many main types of clouds?
7. The treaty intended to achieve, "stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system," is better known as what?
(Kyoto Protocol - Earth Summit)
8. What is the country with the capital city Kuala Lumpur?
9. What is the currency of France?
10. What are the two colors found in the flag of Peru?
(Red and White)
From the Bible: Colossians 1:16 - For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him (i.e. Jesus!).
Children's Trivia Questions (3)
Children's Trivia Questions (3)
1. What color is Pikachu?
2. Who has the sling shot in The Simpsons?
(Bart Simpson)
3. Who manufactures the doll called Barbie?
4. In Lord of the Rings, what race is Legolas?
5. What's the name of the sixth Harry Potter movie being released?
(Half Blooded Prince)
6. On Average which animal is heavier, a horse or a cow?
7. Which company starting with 'N' hit the headlines when it was accused of offering free baby milk samples to third world countries and not encouraging breast feeding?
8. What letter is on the top of Mario's hat?
9. Name Kelly Slater's first name.
10. What year was the XBox 360 released?
From the Bible: Proverbs 22:6 - Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.
1. What color is Pikachu?
2. Who has the sling shot in The Simpsons?
(Bart Simpson)
3. Who manufactures the doll called Barbie?
4. In Lord of the Rings, what race is Legolas?
5. What's the name of the sixth Harry Potter movie being released?
(Half Blooded Prince)
6. On Average which animal is heavier, a horse or a cow?
7. Which company starting with 'N' hit the headlines when it was accused of offering free baby milk samples to third world countries and not encouraging breast feeding?
8. What letter is on the top of Mario's hat?
9. Name Kelly Slater's first name.
10. What year was the XBox 360 released?
From the Bible: Proverbs 22:6 - Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.
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